Sunday, March 27, 2005

ANoNymous Poster

My feeling is if you are going to be a REAL BITCH...the type that people don’t really like- vindictive, ugly, condescending and mean, then you should at least show your face and be brave about it.

Posting anonymously is so meager if you are going to critisize someone...

Long story short and my first BITCH RANT:

I have another blog at
Yes that is correct. I am one of “those women” who has had a few miscarriages. Anyway- I have been grieving heavily since I lost two babies within 6 months. I blog. I heal. I cry. I sometimes die in small doses. I am doing what I need to do to repair.

I had a post last week that really upset me. What, can’t a BITCH get emotional? Yup, they can. We can. I am. I am very sensitive. Chalk it up to being in touch with my reality and my feelings. Again, I am proud of who I am.

This is the post that some “ANONYMOUS and FACELESS COWARD posted to my site:

"I have read several of your pages, and I am so sad for you ~ it is truly a frightening, sad and completely random experience that effects a woman who has had a miscarriage. I know your pain and am sorry you have had to go through such trauma ~ but you need to get over this. I know that is blunt and seems callous, but you do. Life is a gift, and when the time is right for you and your man to have another opportunity to love and cherish another life, you will be given that chance. In the meantime, you need to heal yourself of this hateful state you have placed yourself in. You sound angry and irrational in your writings ~ and although this is a part of the healing process, until you get past it, you will never be healthy enough to try again. All things happen for a reason. Some reasons are hard to see, but they will teach you if you push past this angered state and search for the answer. "

Now… I am all about sharing ones opinion. GO FOR IT. But do it with a face and some courage. This post is awful and in a BAD BITCH kind of way. There is a difference.
A GOOD BITCH would never write something so UGLY. A BAD BITCH WOULD.

There is a difference. Nonetheless, I have moved on and just wanted to share my first BITCH RANT. I have a few but this one really stuck with me. People can be so awful. It is the ugliness in people that I think I am most surprised by as a grown woman now. I just never expected that people could be so awful to one another… but they are.

Anyway BITCHES… at least all the GOOD, COURAGEOUS, BITCHES… I hope you are having a MEANINGFUL evening.

This bitch is going to bed!

1 comment:

Amybtru said...

Come bitch with all us women here too!!
Well we have two men one is from England and we just make his life hell with our bitching he proclaims he doesnt understand women at all! He thinks we are a different life form!! I would love you to join we talk about all kinds of shit! Come on over BITCHES!!!