Saturday, March 19, 2005



Are you a doormat? A wall flower? A shadow?

Doormats are for front doors.

Wall flowers are a band.

Shadows are for playing.

I have been all of these. Fearful and angry. Stupified by the power that some held over me. Shy and scared by my own shadow.


I woke one day and I was different. It probably happened over time, however I specifically felt different one day. Different in a BITCH kind of way. Now- lets retrace our steps.


-A female canine animal, especially a dog.

-A lewd woman.

I woke up knowing that I was NO longer going to be a victim, a doormate, a wallflower, a shadow.

I decided that this was MY life... and that I was not going to let people take ADVANTAGE of me or hurt me, or steal from me, fuck me, scare me, push me, mistreat me or mislead. I woke with a ferocious vigor that was NOT negative it was beautifully empowering. I woke and took control and this was only a short time ago.

Each day is different because I have drawn boundaries. What a concept. Draw boundaries. I don't treat people poorly and so I don't expect to be treated poorly. I work hard and expect to be appreciated for my contribution to the workplace which churns our economy. I expect to love and care for my friends and my family and watch out for them; I am very territorial. I love my dogs and even when other dogs mess with my dogs my wolf fang drop down ... Claws come out. I am protective of my lost pregnancies... Even though people tell me to "get over it." I am in love with HOPE... and have it. I try to share it. I try to be better than I actually am. I try to keep my judgments low and my spirits high. But I am imperfect and that is okay. But I have also grown into an imperfect BITCH and could not be happier.

Now, I always know where I stand... What meaning I attach to situations and circumstances and what rings important. Maybe it comes with age. Maybe it comes from pain. Maybe it is just lucky. Lucky to be alive and to be a BITCH.

This is from one of my favorite authors Clarissa Pinkola Estes - She wrote Women Who Run With the Wolves- and amazing tale.

"Wolves and women share a psychic bond in their fierceness, grace and devotion to mate and community. This comparison defines the archetype of the Wild Woman, a female in touch with her primitive side and able to rely on gut feelings to make choices."

When women are STRONG they are BITCHES... We can embrace that. When women are OPINIONATED they are BITCHES. WE should embrace that. When women are SUCCESSFUL they are BITCHES... when women are POWERFUL they are BITCHES... We are considered by society as BITCHES...When we are any of these things. Well, you know what? I AM SO PROUD TO BE A BITCH! HOW LUCKY! HOW AMAZING! HOW LIBERATING!